DeKam Construction - find the benefits of drain tile. Farmer checking his crop yield.


Why choose DeKam Construction to install your drain tile?

First our quality and professional install is guaranteed, and all the labor is done by us, instead of you. Years of experience pays off when installing complex drain systems. Although the idea is simple in itself, getting it correct the first time is a difficult job.

Why invest in drainage tile?

Your single and largest reason to invest: an increase in crop yield. Forcing your plant to have a more developed root system will allow it to absorb more nutrients. By installing drain tile, we are essentially lowering the water table, which removes excess plant stress.

Other equally convincing reasons would be: an increase in value to your land or the ease of field work after the install. You can get into your field sooner with no turn-arounds and come-backs to finish wet areas. Furthermore, you will be afforded extra growing days – a better seed bed gets you in and out sooner. Additionally, consider crop moisture. Drain tile allows your crop to have less moisture than land that does not have tile, thus reducing drying time.

DeKam Construction drain tile illustration - proper drainage and moisture control Illustration shows proper moisture control, which allows your crop to grow to its full yield potential.
(This is after DeKam Construction installs drain tile)
DeKam Construction drain tile illustration - improper drainage Illustration shows improper moisture control, which causes crop to be "water-logged" and in turn will not
grow very well. (This is before DeKam Construction installs drain tile)

A few items to think about before your drain tile project:

  • Drain tile installation is considered a realty improvement to the land; therefore, subject to
    State Excise Tax. If you install yourself, you are responsible for the tax on the product (tile).
  • By installing for someone else you are still responsible for State Excise Tax on the labor.
  • If you plan on using your own equipment, such as your tractor, by installing a drain tile apparatus, your farm tractor will no longer be considered agricultural use. If you now drive your tractor on public roads you are subject to Fuel Tax.

How GPS benefits your land

Global Positioning Systems are nothing new. However, when used in farming and agriculture it can be a great tool that removes human error. We use GPS tracking in two basic ways:

The first, we use it for purposes of mapping. Mapping out where the tile and drainage system will be placed down to the feet and inches will ensure no improper overlap and no unnecessary gaps. Additionally, the mapping software we currently use is similar to the NRCS offices'. This allows you to bring the map we create for you into your agent's office for future use.

The second, is for maximum grade control. A poor grade can dramatically effect flow. In drainage and moisture control, flow is everything. Using the GPS guided system allows us to see trouble areas and remove them from the equation, producing the best value for your investment hands down (Also see illustrations above).